5 Ways to Cope with Functioning Depression
A person who is dealing with depression may find activities to be difficult, and even being fully productive at work or with other activities may be nearly impossible. However, many people who deal with functioning depression still feel this depression symptom but can function each day. A person who is suffering from depression can look on the outside as if they are doing well while on the inside, they are suffering.
It is essential to identify a person who is dealing with functional depression and help them cope with this illness so that they can thrive and become well-adjusted individuals when their depression has improved. Seeking support from a professional, at Newport Beach Christian Counseling , can play a key role in assisting individuals in managing their depression and finding healthy ways to cope.
5 Ways to Cope with Functioning Depression
Here are five ways to cope with functioning depression:
Keep a routine
A person who has a routine and is suffering from depression does not have to think about what comes next. A person with a routine will also feel safe and allow themselves to process the feelings they’re dealing with. Throwing something new at them that requires a lot of social interaction or faking emotions may not suit them at this time.
For example, a person who has established a routine but is invited to a surprise party for a friend may need support to attend. If that person gets a lot of stress from the situation they may find it challenging to cope.
People suffering from depression need to keep a good routine, especially at night, to help them sleep so they can wake up and deal with whatever comes. Drink a soothing beverage, watch a particular television show that makes you happy, avoid any stimulants like caffeine, and take time to read. Limit any violent or sad books, news, magazines, and music.
Because people do not have control over what comes on their TV screens, you need to limit your access. Find a particular show you enjoy. It could be a sitcom from years past or a current show. Limit the amount of violent content, gratuitous sexual content, or filthy language. Limit exposure to things that bring you down. Focus on the positive each day.
Do things you enjoy
It is also essential to spend time doing things you enjoy. Even for someone who has limited hobbies, find something you like. Create using drawing, painting, or other creative resources. Invest some money in learning something new. A person with functioning depression needs to have something that helps them feel more productive and move forward in life.
A person who is dealing with depression may feel stuck or feel like their life is not worth living. By having something new and something exciting to look forward to, a person with a vision may have fewer thoughts of hopelessness and more thoughts of anticipation for the future.
Plan your future
It is also essential for people with depression to plan their future. Where do you want to see your life in five years? Ten years? One year? Even if your main goal is to get rid of depression symptoms, find ways to be excited about the future even if you have to live with depression for the rest of your life.
A person dealing with functional depression needs to plan, but they may not have the strength or even the motivation to do it on their own. They need to find someone who can help them create short-term and long-term goals to help them achieve this. Short-term goals are the most difficult for some people; thinking ahead to the next day is difficult because there’s no passion or motivation.
You may see improvement in your symptoms as you begin to get into it, and your passion for life is reignited. Furthermore, planning long-term goals will help you see hope and a future for your life.
Living daily and hoping to make it through the day’s no way to live. However, a person with things to look forward to for years ahead will have more hope and passion for their lives. They’ll engage with those around them when they feel more hope and love.
Take time off
In some cases, people who are dealing with depression may need to take some time off from work and other responsibilities. The pressure from mounting responsibilities and having too much on your plate may be contributing to depression. Taking some time off to rest, reflect on life, and process any residual pain from previous problems may help you move forward in your battle with depression.
If finances allow, take some time to travel and see some new and exciting places. Sometimes, getting out of your old environment and going to a new place will help inspire you to get more excited about the life you’re leading. Engaging in activities you enjoy in a new place that allows you to explore new worlds might ignite your passion and excitement when you get home.
Although this is not a one-time fix for every case of depression, in some cases, a person who gets excited about doing things that they enjoy when exploring a new place can get a new lease on life.
Be open
Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding people who have depression in any form. It is difficult for people to talk about their struggles, including mental health ones. Many Christians believe that depression is all in someone’s head or a figment of their imagination. However, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are real issues that people deal with.
Due to chemical imbalances in the brain, many people deal with mental health issues without being able to express what they’re dealing with clearly. Being open and letting people know exactly how you’re feeling may help take the pressure off having to perform a certain way for people to like them.
If this is difficult for you, surround yourself with a small group of friends who are there for you. Build trust by engaging in a local church and participating with people. When you enter a small group, wait until you can discern who is a person you can trust regarding this information.
You may find people are way more understanding than you realize. Having a group of people who love you and want what’s best for you can make all the difference in your fight against depression.
Knowing that you have someone to reach out to when you’re struggling who will express that they will love and pray for you can do wonders for you when you feel like you’re alone. When you are surrounded by people who love you and are rooting for you, they can help you take charge of your life and do what it takes to heal yourself through treatment and medication.
Keeping mental health issues secret does not help anyone when it comes to the battle with depression. However, by bringing that issue into the light, you can see your value and recover your interest in activities and relationships.
Functioning with depression is never easy. However, with hope for your future, you can keep a steady routine, do things you enjoy, and find you can cope with your symptoms much more quickly than someone who does not.
For more information and to meet with me or another Christian counselor in California regarding your functioning depression symptoms, call our office today at Newport Beach Christian Counseling.
“Admiring the View”, Courtesy of Noah Silliman, Unsplash.com, CC0 License;”Checklist”, Courtesy of Glenn Carstens-Peters, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Painter”, Courtesy of Getty Images, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License; “Watching the Water”, Courtesy of Muhammadh Saamy, Unsplash.com, CC0 License