Personal Development Counseling in Newport Beach
Personal development is recognizing who God has made you to be and how you can grow in Him.
Do you feel like you’re stuck, or you’ve plateaued in life? Are you facing a life difficulty that seems to be hindering your growth as a person? Christian counseling for personal development addresses these situations.
When you meet with one of our caring, trained professionals, you’ll have a chance to share your story and what’s in your heart. You’ll receive personalized coaching that will help you grow and achieve your goals.
Be encouraged—a season of dryness or stagnancy doesn’t have to last forever. Contact our office today to schedule your first appointment with one of our therapists.
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Reaching Your Potential Through Christian Counseling in Newport Beach
Maybe you haven’t considered counseling as an option because you associate it only with serious problems. Counseling can be beneficial for issues other than addiction recovery or relationship problems. Exploring your identity, strengths, and potential can help you discover your calling or move towards it. It can also help you grow in areas that will prepare you for future life difficulties.
At Newport Beach Christian Counseling, we want to help you reach your full potential even if you’re not experiencing serious life problems. Growing as a person is an exciting journey and one we would be honored to encourage in your life.
Do I Need Counseling for Personal Development?
It’s common to get discouraged as you pursue your dreams and goals in life, especially after transitions like getting married, having children, relocating, changing jobs, etc. Counseling can help you rediscover your passion and develop practical habits to make progress.
Maybe you have a specific area in your life that you’d like to improve or learn more about. Counseling can help you identify your personality type or your spiritual gifts, or even help you find a better career.
Here are some of the reasons our clients seek personal development counseling:
- Life coaching
- Discovering your personality type and unique gifting
- Building proper self-esteem
- Becoming more of a “people person”
- Spiritual growth
We love to see our clients grow and change through this process so they can live more intentionally. Take care of yourself today by trying Christian counseling for personal development.
Goal Setting for Personal Development
It’s hard to stay motivated and focused on the mundane activities of daily life. Setting goals gives you something to aim for, as well as something to celebrate when you reach a milestone.
Goals must be realistic, though. They need to be difficult but doable. Our trained counselors can help you work through the process of setting realistic goals and taking steps to reach them. You can set goals in numerous areas of your life and discuss various options for how to achieve them.
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What Happens in Christian Counseling for Personal Development?
It’s normal to need help figuring out how to regain your lost momentum. An important aspect of personal development is having an in-depth understanding of your personal needs and how they’re being met. If your needs aren’t being met, you won’t have the best foundation for personal growth.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a popular diagram used to explain the various categories of human needs and how they relate to one another.

The Lord’s Prayer, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Christian Counseling
God has promised us in His Word that if we seek Him first, He will meet our needs (Matt. 6:33). Through the Lord’s Prayer, we can learn what God desires us to pray for and what His priorities are for our lives. We can be confident that God will answer our prayers and meet our needs.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For the Kingdom, the power,and the glory
Are Yours now and forever.
— Matthew 6:9-13
Now, referring back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we can see how it corresponds to various aspects of the Lord’s Prayer:
Our Daily Bread – Our physiological needs
Food, shelter, and clothing are the basics that all humans need to survive. And simply having food isn’t enough; a lack of good nutrition will have a huge impact on quality of life. Sleep deprivation and unhealthy living conditions affect one’s ability to thrive.
Deliverance from Evil – The need for safety
Abuse, addictions, and oppression are forms of evil that take away a sense of personal safety, including physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A cognitive knowledge of physical safety isn’t enough; if you’ve been abused or terrorized in the past, the “fight or flight” hormones associated with fear can make you feel unsafe now. Working through past trauma in Christian counseling can help release you from the grip of fear.
Forgiveness – Love and Belonging
Love and forgiveness are two sides of the same coin. Jesus is the primary example for us. As humans, we struggle with forgiving others and being forgiven by them. We may have trouble forgiving ourselves! We often experience brokenness in our relationships. And most of all, we need forgiveness from God Himself.
We can walk with you on the journey to healing in your relationship with God, other people, and yourself. Forgiveness is at the heart of personal freedom.
Glory to God – Esteem needs
As human beings, we have sinful natures that cause us shame and make us want to hide from God instead of receiving His love. It’s important to be reminded of our worth as image-bearers of God. He has a reason for everything that happens in our lives, as confusing as it may be to us from our perspective.
Repenting of our sins and trusting Christ by faith brings glory to God and helps us understand how He sees us.
God’s Kingdom – Self-actualization
You may have heard the term “self-actualization” in a psychological context. It describes the human need for growth and reaching our fullest potential.
As Christians, we have a Biblical worldview, and we can relate the concept of self-actualization to our need to become more like Christ. This happens as we grow in the fruit of the Spirit, seek God’s kingdom, and desire Him more. Through studying his Word and applying it to our lives, we will experience growth in Christ.
Sometimes, though, reaching our potential or growing in Christ seems less important than meeting our daily felt needs. We can get stuck in a small perspective of life that is focused merely on the day-to-day. If this has happened in your life, talking with a counselor can help you rethink your priorities and take steps to breathe life back into your daily routine.
Newport Beach Christian Counseling is a place where you can find help to balance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. We will help you identify the areas of your life where growth is needed, and find practical solutions to help you set and achieve personal development goals.
Why You Should Try Newport Beach Christian Counseling
The counselors at Newport Beach Christian Counseling are committed to helping our clients live lives that are healthy and bring glory to God. Our faith-based approach is holistically geared towards addressing issues of the mind, body, and spirit.
At Newport Beach Christian Counseling, we’ve worked with people from all backgrounds and ages. No matter what you’re going through or what your personal goals are, we have a Christian counselor who can help.
FAQ About Christian Counseling for Personal Development
How can I find a counselor who’s a good fit for me?
Newport Beach Christian Counseling has many skilled counselors who have different areas of focus. We have a convenient online counselor directory where you can browse to find the counselor who can best help you.
How long should I get Christian counseling for personal development?
It depends on your personal goals and desires; we don’t have a set time limit for Christian personal development counseling. Your counselor will work with you to set an action plan for what you’d like to achieve in counseling. You might find the process to be short and simple, or you might want to work with a counselor for longer to achieve your goals.
Individual counseling and personal development counseling: How are they different?
Christian personal development counseling is intended to help you reach your potential and to help you find happiness and balance in life. Sometimes this process uncovers problems that were previously below the surface, and when that happens we are with you every step of the way.
In Christian counseling for personal development, the primary goal is to explore your potential and set goals to reach it, with the added benefits of greater happiness and balance in your life overall. During this process, underlying problems are sometimes uncovered, and those too will be worked through in counseling.
In traditional counseling, you may also set goals and work towards personal growth, but there’s a greater focus on more serious issues such as mental health problems, addictions, relationship problems, etc. It’s important to address these issues before moving on to personal development counseling.
Newport Beach Christian Counseling is here for you when you decide to take that first step. To schedule your risk-free initial session,
call us at 949-386-7178 or contact us online. There’s no time like today to start your journey of personal growth.
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