Entries by Newport Beach Christian Counselor

Five Natural Remedies to Combat Anxiety

The number of people who’ve been diagnosed with anxiety has risen significantly in the past few years. COVID-19, an unstable economy, and healthcare crises contribute to people’s fear about the future. This can cause a rise in anxiety disorders. Most people think medication is the easiest way to combat the problem. However, there are other […]

How to Recognize Signs of OCD in Children

OCD (obsessive, compulsive disorder) is an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted, uncontrollable, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that cause distress, and repetitive behaviors or rituals a person feels compelled to perform in order to get rid of the distress and prevent bad things from happening. However, the signs of OCD may look different in children […]

15 Date Ideas for Couples

One of the main purposes of dating is for two people to spend quality time together, connect with one another, share experiences, and get to know each other better. Looking for some fresh date ideas for couples? Here are fifteen suggestions below. At the beginning of a relationship, dating provides an opportunity to explore your […]

Common Symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder in Children, Adolescents, and Adults

Reactive attachment disorder, also known as RAD, is a condition that affects a child’s ability to bond with significant people in his or her life due to his or her emotional needs going unmet during infancy or serious abuse or neglect. It is most likely to occur in children who live in orphanages or other […]

On Mates and Marriages: Navigating Conflict and Life as a Team

We have an enemy who leverages assault against all that God has created and approved. It may not surprise us that Satan opposes the image of God, in us as individuals, couples, families, and communities. We see the enemy launch divisive attacks on marriage generally, but we feel it when it seeks to dissolve our […]