Reasons Men Pursue Counseling and How Therapy for Men Can Help

There is a common cultural assumption that women talk more than men. If that is true, it may make going to talk therapy easier for women than men. However, much of that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Therapy for men has many benefits.

If it is assumed that girls talk more than boys, perhaps adults spend more time talking to girls than boys, thus giving them stronger conversational skills from a younger age. As such, men going to therapy may face unique challenges that women may not, leading to a different therapy experience. Gender assumptions should not prevent anyone from accessing the benefits of therapy.

Reasons Men Pursue Counseling

Therapy for men is different from therapy for women only in the same way that it is different for everyone. Each individual brings their unique personality and struggles to therapy. There are a few common reasons men begin a therapy journey. Newport Beach Christian Counseling provides a safe and supportive space tailored to meet the unique needs of men seeking therapy.

Anger Management

From a young age, men are often shown a model that anger is the most effective way of achieving results. It could start in locker rooms or the home. Physical violence has too frequently been dismissed as “boys will be boys.” Anger does not need to be a cause of harm. Anger can be justified, but harm and destruction are never appropriate. Therapy can help you understand what anger feels like in your body and take action to vent it healthily for you and everyone around you.


Men are just as much at risk for depression as women but less frequently diagnosed. Men are far more likely to be successful in a suicide attempt than women are. Any number of things can cause depression, and the consequences of untreated depression in men are likely to be severe. If you are feeling hopeless and sad, struggling with sleeping and eating, or have any thoughts of self-harm, reach out today.

Substance Abuse

For some men, alcoholism has long been a coping mechanism for depression and sometimes leads to further issues of anger. Societal and genetic factors both play a role in the influence of substance abuse. One of the best ways to avoid substance abuse is to have a support network. A therapist can be an integral part of the network.

Having a solid friend group and healthy relationships with family are also key to recovering from and managing substance abuse in your life. Substance abuse can often be a symptom of deeper issues, so allow the journey of healing to have its ups and downs.


Once again, cultural norms can impact how men feel about stress. Men have different expectations about careers and relationships than women. When the norms they experience are threatened, it can lead to anxiety, uncertainty, and frustration.

While pop culture has often modeled the “strong, silent man” as the ideal, no person can carry their burdens alone. Regular therapy appointments build the stress muscles like lifting weights builds your other muscles. Handling and offloading stress appropriately will lead to greater peace in your life.

Therapy for Men: How Can It Help?

Opening your mind to change is an essential first step to therapy. If you dig in your heels and resist advice and input, the troubles you are experiencing will not disappear. They are more likely to metastasize, causing more work, relationships, and health issues.


Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is crucial to growth and healing. Often, your assets have a negative side, and therapy can reveal this. Listening skills will become a key part of your life tool bag.


Empathy can be learned; seeing a situation from another person’s perspective helps you navigate difficult situations with kindness. You will learn to lead from a place of positive intent and show support for the people you interact with at home and beyond.


Establishing boundaries in your life is preventative in many ways. Knowing how to prioritize all things appropriately takes practice, but over time, it pays off with greater life satisfaction.

Healthy Relationships

When you love the people in your life well, they support your therapy work. This starts by learning to communicate with them. Therapy is the rehearsal for the big show that is your day-to-day life.

Identify and express emotions

Tears, outbursts of anger, and expressions of joy are normal and should be expressed. You are not an emotionless robot. Learning healthy outlets for emotions will improve your overall mood and relationships.

If you are ready to start your therapy journey today, call Newport Beach Christian Counseling for an appointment with one of our counselors. We will help you find the best fit for your needs, and will support you in learning to navigate the struggles of your life with grace and dignity.

“Workspace”, Courtesy of Mushaboom Studio,, Unsplash+ License


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