4 DBT Groups Used for Therapy in Newport Beach, California

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive behavioral treatment used for individuals with borderline personality disorder. This type of treatment focuses on balancing acceptance and change. The goal is to empower individuals by assisting them in gaining an understanding of managing their challenging emotions. DBT groups in Newport Beach, California provide the environment needed to learn skills to cope with challenges in everyday life. Newport Beach Christian Counseling can also offer valuable support for those seeking to integrate faith-based guidance alongside DBT to foster emotional and spiritual growth.

What is the purpose of DBT groups?

The goal of DBT group therapy is not to work through feelings as a group. It is to help individuals learn new skills needed to approach difficult emotional situations. DBT group is a place to get encouragement and support while acquiring the skills needed, but the focus isn’t just for that purpose. The only time personal details are shared is if the individual wants to share. There are skills to be learned and homework that will help you use the tools you are given.

The four DBT groups

There are four training areas for DBT group therapy. The group sessions are approximately 24 weeks long and last for about two and a half hours. Each one will provide specific skills needed.

Distress Tolerance skills will aid in learning to cope with stressful situations without behaving in ways that will exacerbate them. The individual will also learn to accept that there are some situations that a person cannot change. When things are difficult but nothing can be changed, it is important to know how to effectively cope with the feelings until they pass. The key will be to address the situation when those feelings have subsided.

Mindfulness skills will teach awareness of the surroundings and how the person can be present in the moment. When a person is mindful it means they are paying attention to the present moment with intention. Mindfulness is not meditation. In DBT mindfulness is learning to pay attention to the immediate moment. It is a way of addressing changes in mindless actions or habits. This can also help with worry and depression.

Interpersonal effectiveness teaches skills focused on communication, boundaries, and healthy relationships. These skills are geared toward teaching individuals how to approach the many relationships of a healthy lifestyle. It will lead them through the skills needed to maintain work, family, and romantic relationships. This will also develop the skills necessary for interacting with difficult people.

Emotion regulation will help the person recognize and understand emotions and how to change those that are challenging. Sometimes emotions can be confusing. It helps to know how to decrease the pain of some emotions. This will also help the person to feel as though they have some degree of control over the hard emotions. The person learns that it is a choice in how to react to the emotions they face.

Benefits of DBT groups

Several positive changes can result from DBT group therapy.

  • Learning a new skill set to face challenging situations.
  • Acceptance that some circumstances cannot be changed.
  • Learning how to work with others constructively.
  • Identifying harmful behavior patterns and knowing how to adjust to healthier ones.
  • The ability to alter from negative thinking to positive thinking.
  • Learning new and healthy ways to cope with stress.
  • Becoming more effective at communication skills.

Next steps for finding DBT groups in Newport Beach

DBT groups in Newport Beach, California are a great tool for those individuals who need a healthy understanding of how to manage emotions that stem from borderline personality disorder. Every person has the choice to make changes to how they react to situations. Through DBT groups in Newport Beach, these skills are taught in a way that will cultivate a healthy lifestyle. If you would like more information about DBT groups in Newport Beach, contact us today at Newport Beach Christian Counseling in California and we can connect you to a Christian counselor in Newport Beach.

A tranquil heart is life to the body, But passion is rottenness to the bones. – Proverbs 14:30, NASB

“Flowers”, Courtesy of Anastasiya Romanova, Unsplash.com, CC0 License


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